PRO-ED Test User Qualifications

Click Here to Enter Qualifications Online OR Click Here to Download the User Acceptance Form

Welcome to PRO-ED, Inc./LinguiSystems's online qualification system. In order to purchase assessments requiring qualification levels B or C, you must complete our User Acceptance Form on which you enter the qualification information. Because this is a new system, all customers (new and existing) will be required to establish or re-establish their credentials (OR) the credentials of the qualified user they are purchasing on behalf of in order to purchase assessments requiring qualification levels B or C. Read more about our qualification levels.

The User Acceptance Form consists of a short list of questions regarding your training and professional credentials. The information you must provide can be for yourself or another qualified user. If you have submitted qualifications previously to PRO-ED, Inc./LinguiSystems for orders made on a website account (either your own or another purchaser's account) via the manual qualifications form used for fax, email, phone, mail, or webform ordering, you will still need to re-submit your qualifications on your website account to be able to add B and C level products to your cart.

If you would like to order by webform, phone, fax, or mail instead of online and we do not already have your qualifications (i.e., you did not create a website account and submit them), then complete our downloadable User Acceptance Form and return to us via email at: